337 Trilyun Perampokan Legal Batubara

 on 11/09/12  

Para pemimpin indonesia, baik yang di eksekutif maupun yang dilegislatif mungkin sudah hilang kesadaran, baru-baru ini, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Jero Wacik menegaskan, pemerintah tidak berencana menerapkan bea keluaran batu bara bagi para eksportir batubara. Seharusnya kekayaan alam tersebut dikelola oleh negara melalui BUMN tetapi malah dikeruk swasta tanpa pajak ekspor.  375 juta ton batubara indonesia pertahun dikuras swasta patungan maupun asing dengan total kerugian 337 trilyun dengan perhitungan harga batubara per ton Rp 900.000 x 375 juta ton(pertahun)= Rp 337 trilyun. padahal didalam negeri sendiri, rakyatnya masih berkutat pusing dengan masalah subsidi BBM dan listrik. Rakyat hanya bisa sukarela menikmati kemiskinan saat pemimpinnya bermewah mewahan. 

The leaders of Indonesia, both in the executive and the legislative may have lost consciousness, recently, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jero Wacik asserted that the government does not plan to implement tax for coal exporters. Should these resources are managed by the state through the state-owned but privately dredged even without export taxes. 375 million tons of coal annually drained by Indonesian private and foreign joint venture with a total loss of 337 trillion calculations per ton coal price Rp 900.000 x 375 million tonnes (per year) = Rp 337 trillion. although in their own country, people are still struggling with the problem of fuel and electricity subsidies. People can only be a voluntary poverty while leaders  enjoy luxuries.
337 Trilyun Perampokan Legal Batubara 4.5 5 Fizzo's Blog 11/09/12 Para pemimpin indonesia, baik yang di eksekutif maupun yang dilegislatif mungkin sudah hilang kesadaran, baru-baru ini, Menteri Energi dan S...

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